
<!-- Web developer, deeply caring about good practices, software architecture and Developer eXperience -->
Hi! I am Nils, a passionate developer for over 10 years. My experiences in startup and on my side projects allowed me to specialize in web development, in particular with the frameworks Nest and React.




Koyeb, Paris (remote)

With Koyeb, a developer with no DevOps knowledge is able to deploy an app globally in seconds. My role within this startup is to develop the user console interface.

As the only frontend developer, my work consists of course in the development of new functionalities and the maintenance of the product, but also in the implementation of software craftsmanship techniques (clean code, unit / e2e testing, decoupling between the business logic and the frameworks, reflections around architecture in general).

TypeScript, React, NextJS, Playwright, GitHub Actions


Gojob, Aix-en-Provence

At Gojob, a fast-growing digital temp agency, I enjoy taking up challenges such as the development of an invoicing software, the design of an in-house LMS, or even the refactoring of a frontend project into micro-frontends.

While working on my tasks, I acquired a product-oriented mindset, allowing me to have a clear comprehension of the business needs, translate them into functional specifications and try to maximize the impact of the developments. This experience also allowed me to upskill on many technical subjects, such as DevOps, TDD, or clean architecture (front and back).

TypeScript, React, NextJS, NestJS, PostgreSQL, GCP, k8s, helm


Sparted, Paris

At Sparted, a Parisian startup delivering a B2B e-learning solution, I learned to work as a team on a large scale project, through the development of new features and the maintenance of the products. Although this was my first real professional experience, I worked on technically ambitious tasks, like the migration of an app from cordova to React Native. I also suggested to start writing automated tests, which was greatly appreciated by the team.

Mithril, React Native, Loopback, NodeJS, Flow, AWS

EPITA Trainer

EPITA, Paris

I had the honor and pleasure to participate in the training of EPITA students (1st and 3rd years), teaching C, C++, Java, C# and SQL.




Zétécom is a platform hosting open discussions, where each message must respect a set of rules designed with the aim of promoting constructive debates. It is a very rewarding project, which brought me concrete support to put into practice my knowledge acquired by reading technical articles, about both development and infrastructure. This project is not (yet?) used by real users, but is already accessible on (in French, sorry!), and all of its source code is available on github.

TypeScript, React, Nest, PostgreSQL, WebExtension API

CAH for short, is a quite simple cards game, which is a pretext for experimenting on various languages, frameworks and concepts. It is a project that I have made several times from scratch, the most recent (Q3 2021) being with a clean architecture approach. The code currently on github is the closest thing to what I consider to be of quality, and what I wish to accomplish in my professional life.

TypeScript, React, Redux, Express, NodeJS, SQLite

Testea is a tool allowing to run e2e tests in a fully automated browser, an alternative to Cypress that I developed for fun. It interfaces with mocha and testing-library, and runs end-to-end tests in the browser (in contrary to Cypress which runs in node). Although it is not production ready yet, it is the test runner used on Zétécom for the dev and on the CI (including front, back, DB, and everything in between).

NodeJS, Mocha, Selenium



This training brought me the missing pieces for the understanding of clean architecture in the frontend world. I then deepened this knowledge by reading Uncle Bob's book, naturally.


This is the school that got me going into software development, and since then, I think I never stopped.


Erasmus semester in Turkey

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, Istanbul

Where I had the chance to follow courses about Algorithmic, C++, Network and Systems Security, all in english.


Scientific baccalauréate

Lycée J. Siegfried, Le Havre

Engineering option, with a specialization in mathematics.


High school 11th grade (junior)

Casa Grande High School, Petaluma (CA)

I spent a full year in the United States, where I had the opportunity to open up to new cultures and to learn English.


Critical thinking
For several years, I have been passionate about critical thinking and the processing of scientific information.
I experiment with musical creation on a computer in electronic music styles, it's nice but it's hard.
I developed a love for the practice of slackline, a balancing sport on a strap tended between two trees.
Last update: 08-2022